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What is new with the Hop Latent Viroid Detection Assay version 2?

MGC has released an updated HLVd Detection assay (v2) as well as an updated RT-qPCR Master Kit

What Changed:

  1. The PathoSEEK HLVd Detection Assay v2 includes optimized primer/probe concentrations and can detect down to as few as 7 genomic copies.
  2. MGCs new PathoSEEK RT-qPCR Master Kit v2 comes lyophilized and is more sensitive than the previous version.  When ready to use, just add water.
  3. MGC has released a new Plant Sampling Guide that describes two Nucleic Acid Purification options:
    1. Quick Lysis (SKU: 420240):  Very similar to the Leaf Punch Lysis (SKU: 420208) product - LPL can be used interchangeably with Quick Lysis
    2. PurePrep (SKU: 420031):  Purifies and concentrates DNA and RNA for increased sensitivity
  4. The HLVd v2 assay can be run on the Agilent AriaMX, the Bio-Rad CFX96 or the Mic qPCR instrument in conjunction with they Myra Liquid Handler.  Click here for additional Information on the Mic/Myra
    1. Using the Mic/Myra allows the use of smaller reaction volumes, resulting in 40% reduction in cost per sample

Relevant Links:

HLVd v2 User Guide

HLVd v2 Validation Guide

HLVd v2 Starter Bundle web store page

Any questions please email support@medicinalgenmics.com