See below a collection of frequently asked questions about our StrainSEEK® service
What is DNA?
DNA molecules encode the biological information required by all life and comes in four varieties, A, T, C or G. Small chains of DNA that encode individual proteins are called genes, while the entire collection of an organism’s DNA is called a genome.
What is DNA sequencing?
A set of molecular and computational technology used to decode patterns of DNA.
What is StrainSEEK®?
A cannabis and hemp strain identification and registration service this is offered exclusively by Medicinal Genomics. We work with any marijuana, hemp, or feral Cannabis varieties.
Why do I want to identify and register my plant?
The StrainSEEK® service reveals and documents the true genetic identity of your plants. DNA sequence information analysis provides an unbiased quantification of genetic similarity between your sample and every other strain in our database. Since many Cannabis plants have uncertain origins, we use genetic similarities between a sample and all strains in the ever-growing reference database of Cannabis from around the globe. The DNA sequence data generated through strainSEEK also establishes a timestamped proof of ownership for a given plant, which can be used as defense against imitators or counterfeiters.
Is my OG Kush the actual OG?
We can identify if any plant run through the StrainSEEK service is genetically identical to other plants in our database. Thus if you identify and register an original variety, we will always be able to confirm or refute if other future submissions are the same genetics, regardless of what the strain is called. We are working with select breeders on a case-by-case basis to establish reference genetic data for some strains with well known names. In some cases with popular, often imitated, strain names we cannot know which version is the original since some of these are many years or even decades old. If you are a breeder with original strains and concerned about counterfeiters, we would love to work with you!
How does the registration process work?
We register the genetic information from each plant run through the StrainSEEK process, regardless of any name or brand associated with that plant. Proof that you owned and had your plant analyzed with the StrainSEEK process is provided in our reports and raw data is made available for download. As part of the service we will hash the variant call format (vcf) table that contains your plant’s genetic information, and submit it to the blockchain, ensuring evidence for your proof of ownership remains unaltered.
Can you tell me if my plant is an indica, a sativa or hybrid of some sort?
The current science shows this common classification scheme is problematic, although not entirely without basis. Cannabis sativa L. is most likely one species, although it obviously contains diverse phenotypes from distinct geographic origins. At this time we are not providing classification on the indica-sativa scale, but our reference database that each sample is analyzed with contains some well documented landrace samples that you can use to understand the history and origins of your plant. As our database of genetic and chemical profiles grows, we anticipate being able to provide further levels of sample classification that pinpoint geographic origins, as well as likely consumption effects. Data generated with the initial versions of the StrainSEEK process will continue to be compatible with future additional features.
How stable will the Cannabis phylogenetic tree be through time?
The tree structure is subject to change as we continue to collect unique genetics. By submitting your unusual strains for StrainSEEK identification and registration, you are revealing hidden branches of the Cannabis family tree and helping to illuminate the hazy past of many lineages.
Who will have access to data from my plants?
The customer has total control over access—data and analyses from StrainSEEK identification and registration can be made public or kept private. It is important to keep in mind that even if all aspects of your plant’s DNA is made public, no one can reproduce that particular strain without access to your plant.
Can you predict plant traits from data obtained using the StrainSEEK® process?
At this point no, but ongoing research efforts will facilitate the predictive power of StrainSEEK data in the near future. StrainSEEK protocols are designed to facilitate long-term application development, and all data will remain compatible with future StrainSEEK analysis features.
How can I register my plant with StrainSEEK®?
We have solutions for every type of Cannabis cultivator and work within existing state regulations to ensure a simple and compliant option is available for all marijuana and hemp growers.
Who do I contact if I have further questions?
Send us an email at