What do I do if I have an instrument/hardware issue with my AriaMX?

The best course of action for persistent instrument issues is to reach out to Agilent Support.

SEND EMAIL TO:  ots.genomics@agilent.com.

In the subject line write "MGC Attn: Mike - AriaMX Issue - Your lab name" and ensure that your Medicinal Genomics Account Manager is copied.

In your email, provide a short description of what the error is and include the following:

  • Customer/Lab name
  • Instrument serial number
  • Run diagnostics and attach the report (See HOW TO RUN DIAGNOSTICS below)
  • Include any raw data files (file extension .amdx) if applicable


Users who wish to perform their own rail lubrication should order item G8830-67000. Review this video for guidance. 


FOLLOW this guide.


How to run diagnostics:

Downloading Diagnostics Report:

  1. Make sure you are logged in to the AriaMx as an administrator (the default administrator account password is ADMIN all in caps if that was never changed)
  2. From the home screen go under Settings > Instrument Diagnostics > Browse Results.
  3. Select the last diagnostic test results file, and then use the Copy button at the bottom of the screen to copy that file to a USB memory stick (that has FAT32 formatting)
  4. Using the memory stick, transfer the file to a PC where you can attach it to your email